
TL;DR: I’m a Software / Data / Machine Learning Engineer based in Canberra, Australia. I love writing functional code, especially in Clojure.

I first got hooked with programming when I was a teenager after my brother suggested we should learn to create websites. Starting with PHP and SQL, I quickly felt the need to learn JavaScript and Java, which were starting to become very popular.

A scientific cursus in high school made me gain a lot of knowledge in mathematics and physics, allowing me to start a maths, physics and engineering bachelor of science in some of the best French schools.

In engineering school, programming classes projects involved languages such as C, C#, Assembly, Java, JavaScript and PL/SQL. I even learned Objective-C during one of my co-op terms for which the aim was to write an iOS app. But one of the great revelations were the Quantum Mechanics and Solid-State Physics classes.

Pursuing my curiosity in those fields, I was lucky enough to be accepted in a Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering / Quantum Information at the University of Waterloo, in Canada. As a graduate research assistant at the Institute for Quantum Computing, I worked on implementing quantum algorithms on a single-crystal quantum computer. My work involved sample quantum characterization, which led me to discover data science and machine learning. I needed similar tools to fit the physical model as well as possible, using Matlab and Python. My thesis is entitled Towards Implementation of Quantum Algorithms Using Electron and Nuclear Spins in Single Crystals.

After two intense years of research leading to my graduation and a return to my home country, I lived the start-up life in Montpellier, working at Teads (acquired by Altice in 2017 for $308M1) and BeOp. The latter is where I had the chance to discover Clojure and the joy to write code with it.

At BeOp, I gained experience in AWS and a lot of different great technologies including Elasticsearch, DynamoDB, Redis and MongoDB. My main projects included forecasting and automated trend detection.

Life now brought me to Australia and its capital Canberra, where I try to find time to dig deeper in machine learning and data science. I work at the Australian National University in the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program group. Our goal is to support and accelerate the penetration of Distributed Energy Resources (like residential solar panels and batteries) by providing reliable forecasting of energy flows on the grid.

When not behind my computer, I can be found around my family, with a guitar in my hands, playing football or ice hockey and sometimes even scuba diving.